Sunday, December 5, 2010



Bordo, Susan. "Gay mens Revenge ." The Journal of Aesthetics and Art critcism (Kentucky University ), 2000.

    Notes: This article is used to research the stereotypes that gay males fight with heterosexual woman. I use the evidence mentioned in the article to further prove that gay male identity is created by white males.

Bravmann, Scott. Queer fictions of the past: History, culture, and difference. . Cambridge , England : Cambridge University Press , 1997.

Notes: This article discusses that many of the historians that have studied queer culture have been bias towards research. More so that 'gay' was an identity that was born into the Western culture.

Dean, Carolyn. Queer History . Book reflection , Cambridge University , Crambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1997.

Notes: Carolyn summarizes Bravmanns thoughts on his book: she reiterates that white gay males are the ones that have made up gay culture what is today. Largely, white gay males have over shadowed the positive attributes made by other gay males.

Grundmann, Roy. Andy Warhol's "Blow Job" . Philadelphia , PA : Temple University Press , 2003.

Notes: Grundmann, further discusses the issues of gay men , especially dealing with the white gay male concept.

Miller, Margo. "White gay male identity and Warhol ." Jump Cut: A review of contemporary media (Jump Cut ), no. 48 (Winter 2006).

Notes: Margo Miller emphasizes that white gay males are either acting or posing in the movie and book written by Andy Warhol. It is argued that gay men are mostly posing when they follow the portrayed stereotypes.

Pirolli, Bryan. "Tuning out ." Genre Magazine , 2007 : 3.

Notes: This article was in the gay magazine Genre. The article mentioned whether or not gay males should tune out the media that has been portraying them. However, what is interesting is the magazine itself is nothing but stereotyped, white, gay males. Rather I used the article to show that the gay men were only arguing against themselves.

Price, Patrick. Drama Queen. New York, NY: St. Martins Press, 2001.

Notes: This gay male culture self help book emphasizes roles gay men naturally possess: however, many of the roles defined in the book refer to gay men being drama queens.

Rogers, Thomas. "Why 'Sex and the City" is bad for the gays ." Film Salon , May 2010.

Notes: This article is emphasizing the stereotyped white elite gay male whose best friend is a heterosexual woman. The article further emphasizes that white gay men have been the shows purpose of exploiting the fact that white gay males are often stereotyped within the gay male culture.

Sullivan, Jim. Boy Friend 101. New York, NY: Random house Inc., 2003.

Notes: Boyfriend 101 is yet another gay male self help book that emphasizes 'white' gay males and the troubles they face when finding boy friend's in the gay culture. This book often reiterates the same roles mentioned in the book 'Drama Queen'

Woolfson, Derrick. "Twitter,'what is gay' ." Derrick Woolfson, case study . Westminster , MD: Derrick Woolfson, and his Mac Book , November 28, 2010.

Notes: I typed the word 'gay' in Twitter to see what would come up. To my surprise gay men were often mentioned as being the heterosexual woman's assistant. It was rather disturbing, I am using the evidence to exploit that gay men tend to fight against the heterosexual woman.

Wright, Lionel. "The Stonewall Riots - 1969 -- A turning point in the struggle for gay and lesbian Liberation." Socialism Today , no. 40 (July 1999): 3.

    Notes: This article demonstrated that white gay males are the ones that have been responsible for shaping gay male culture into what it is today. Thus, the roles that have been previously mentioned in other texts have shown that the gay male culture is composed of and for white gay men.

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